Saturday 26 February 2011

Mudbox Portrait

We have now been given the project to digitally sculpt a fellow student in our class by using reference photos taken by ourselves and by using these sculpt their face by using Mudbox. I have chosen to sculpt Josh Jackaman.

I have never used Mubox before so I am looking forward to trying something new other than Maya and to be honest I am not a fan of Maya as I find it a bit in your face. Mudbox has a far easier to look at display with very simple tools to use, you can add materials or remove them, you can smooth your work out or even cut it away to create jagged edges. It is like using a piece of clay but without the mess. I also found it very easy to use and got the hang of the use of the different tools however this was when I was just making up a random face, once I took the pictures for josh and began referencing the face I found it very irritating and frustrating just how different angles make someone look symmetrical but when you look closely and move the attributes into the right place according to your reference image you discover how wrong it looks.
But overall once you get past this bump it is a very user friendly program as it can show you roughly where the basic topology is when you put the wireframe on which is very helpful. I am though very proud of my final model as it does look like who it is supposed to be and I feel Josh is glad he doesn’t look like a monster.

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